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Past REU Programs

The 2018 NSF REU Program, which consisted of 16 undergraduates, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. Research abstracts are available here

Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Brittany Anderson Fayetteville State University Kevin Edgar (Sustainable Biomaterials) "Loratadine Solubility Enhancement by Amorphouse Solid Dispersions with CCAB"
Corey Davis Emory and Henry College Timothy Long (Chemistry) "Vat Photopolymerization of Biodegradable PLGA-Based Personalized Dosage Pharmaceuticals"
Miranda De La Garza Texas A&M University-Kingsville Amanda Morris (Chemistry) "Post-Synthetic Modification of Porphyrinic Zirconium Metal-Organic Frameworks for Energy Efficient Desalination"
Kylie DeClue Pittsburg State University Carolina Tallon (Materials Science and Engineering) "Improved Templating of Porous TiO2 by pH Change of CNC-H2O Solution on Control of CNC-Titania Dispersion"
Roger Dias University of Southern Mississippi Michael Schulz (Chemistry) "Metal Sequestration Using Sulfonamide-Based Macrocycles"
Charles Ellis N.C. State University Christopher Williams (Mechanical Engineering)
"A Comprehensive Study on the Effect of Acetaminophen in Powder Bed Jet Printing"
George Funk University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Michael Bortner (Chemical Engineering) "Morphological Characterization of Cellulose Nanocrystal and Cellulose Nanofibril Composites"
Sherrie Heinz-Kunert University of Wisconsin-Platteville Michael Schulz (Chemistry) "Elucidating the Effect of Polymer Architecture on Heavy Metal Chelation"
Miharu Koh Allegheny College Blake Johnson (Industrial and Systems Engineering) "Dynamic-Mode Cantilever Sensing in Hydrogels"
Kristofer Kristofferson Ohio Northern University Justin Barone (Biological Systems Engineering) "Cyclic Hydrogel Actuators Based on an Enzyme-Substrate Feedback System"
Elle McKenzie Vassar College Greg Liu (Chemistry) "Metal-Containing Poly (ether imide)s: The Effects of Divalent Metal Cations as Ionic Crosslinkers on Mechanical and Thermal Properties"
John Migliore Bethel University Timothy Long (Chemistry)
"Synthesis and Characterization of Bioderived Polyureas for Controlled Ammonia Release"
Ami Patel University of North Carolina-Charlotte John Matson (Chemistry) "Synthesizing Tapered (Cone-Shaped) Bottlebrush Polymers by Sequential Addition of Macromonomers"
Emily Plunkett University of Virginia Cristina Fernandez Fraguas (Food Science and Technology) "Optimizing Chitosan and 𝛾-cyclodextin for Electrospinning"
Mary Shingler Bridgewater College Timothy Long (Chemistry)
"Improving the Durability of Portland Cement Concrete Using Poly(dimethylsiloxane-ethylene oxide) Admixture"
Adrienne Smiley Fisk University Louis Madsen (Chemistry) "Studying Intermolecular Forces within Molecular Ionic Composites"

The 2017 NSF REU Program, which consisted of 17 undergraduates, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. Research abstracts are available here

Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Benjamin Adams
Christopher Newport University Kevin Edgar (Sustainable Biomaterials)
Polysaccharide Based Delivery Vehicles for Controlled Release of Agrochemicals and Biologically Active Compounds
Moala Bannavti Delaware State University Michael Bortner (Chemical Engineering) Emissions in Extrusion-based Additive Manufacturing: Impact on Food, Energy, and Water
James Brown Saint Bonaventure University Timothy Long (Chemistry)
Plant-Signaled Delivery: Water and Fertilizer on Demand
Jarrod Cartwright Virginia Commonwealth University Christopher Williams (Mechanical Engineering) 3D Printing Tissue Scaffolds with Varying Pore Sizes Using an AMPS-PEGDA Photopolymer
Catherine Dadmun College of Charleston Susan Duncan (Food Science and Technology) Material interference to minimize photon excitation of riboflavin for protecting milk nutrients and flavor quality
Rachel Hand Michigan State University Susan Duncan (Food Science and Technology) Packaging Efficacy for Protecting Milk Freshness Stored in High Energy LED Retail Conditions
Alex Hitomi University of California-Davis Blake Johnson (Industrial and Systems Engineering) PEDOT:PSS Electrodes in 3D Printed Flexible Biosensors for Food and Water Safety
Tra Lai Texas A&M University Zhiting Tian (Mechanical Engineering) Recycling and Managing Heat Energy Using Advanced Poly(pyrrole) Network and PNIPAm Hydrogel
Jason Linn Case Western University Robert Moore (Chemistry)
An exploration of phosphonated poly (ether ether ketone) properties for desalination applications
Yishan Ma University of Cincinnati Johan Foster (Materials Science and Engineering) Functionalization of Cellulose Nanocrystals With β-Cyclodextrin as Water Treatment Binding Bisphenol A 
Jared May Pennsylvania State University Amanda Morris (Chemistry)
Corrole-Based Zr-Metal-Organic Frameworks for Light Capture
Hannah Phan Virginia Tech Christopher Williams (Mechanical Engineering) A study of nanoparticle binder’s impact on the binder jetting additive manufacturing process
Ralph Romero Virginia Tech Shengfeng Cheng (Physics) Novel Model of Carbon Nanotubes for High Performance Filtration Systems
Ashley Saunders Pennsylvania State University Louis Madsen (Chemistry)
Photoresponsiveness of Polymer Ionic Liquid Composites Analyzed Through UV-Vis and Fluorescence Spectroscopies
Jessica Thomas University of Florida Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Synthesis and Design of Polyetherimide Nanoparticles for Improved Efficiency in Composite Manufacturing
Elizabeth Ventrella Florida State University Xiaoyu Rayne Zheng (Mechanical Engineering) Taking Charge: Incorporating Energy-Harvesting Piezoelectrics into Large-Area Projection Microstereolithography 3D Printing
Haley Young Elizabethtown College John Matson (Chemistry)
Sustained Release of Hydrogen Sulfide via Polymeric Donors

The 2016 NSF REU program, which consisted of 15 undergraduates, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. Research abstracts are available here.

Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Hannah Cornell Wake Forest University Louis Madsen (Chemistry)
NMR studies of Water in Acetylated and Unmodified Wood 
Thomas Cotey Case Western Reserve University Richey Davis (Chemical Engineering) Design and Fabrication of Chitosan Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Rosmarinic Acid
Keyton Fuller University of Wisconsin Platteville Christopher Williams (Mechanical Engineering) 3D Printing of Ceramic Suspensions using Microstereolithography toward Water and Gas Filtration
Anna Fraser University of Tennessee Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Synthesis and Characterization of Post-Modified Polybenzimidazole Membranes for Gas Separation of H2 and CO
Noah Griggs Virginia Tech Gordon Yee Synthesis of Phthalonitrile-Containing Siloxane Polymers for Semiconductor Power Module
Killian Horatz University of Cologne Timothy Long (Chemistry)
Ion-containing Polycaprolactone-based Copolymers for 3D Printing Biodegradable Devices for Agriculture
Brittany Huffman University of Virginia Amanda Morris (Chemistry)
A Study of the Electrocatalytic Activity of Metal-Organic Framework PCN-223 in the Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Christopher Long University of Virginia Bradford Mills (Agricultural Economics) Characteristics or Culture?: Determinants of Household Energy Use Behavior in China, Germany, and the USA
Alyssa Melvin Gannon University Robert Moore (Chemistry)
Membrane Capacitive Deionization Using Electrospun Carbon Nanofibrous Electrodes
Amy Plechacek Virginia Tech John Chermak Trace Element Analysis of Gas Shales by Laser Ablation ICP-MS: Implications for Mobility
Nathan Spear Purdue University John Matson (Chemistry)
Alkyl Modification of Block Copolymers as a Means to Tailor Controlled Release
Maria Stang Ohio State University Blake Johnson (Industrial and Systems Engineering) 3D Printed Biosensor for Food and Water Safety
Limor Steinberg University of Virginia Timothy Long (Chemistry)
Synthesis of Biosourced, Isocyanate-free Polyureas as Controlled-Release Fertilizers
Maria Vratsanos Case Western Reserve University Christopher Williams (Mechanical Engineering) Novel Photocurable Molecules for Stereolithography with Electrochemical and Biomedical Applications
Sarah Wollman Virginia Tech Louis Madsen (Chemistry)
Fabrication and Understanding of a Polymer Electrolyte for Battery Applications

The 2015 NSF REU program, which consisted of 11 undergraduates, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. Research abstracts are available here.

Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Nels Anderson NW Missouri State Alan Esker (Chemistry)
Adsorption of Immunoglobulin on Cellulose and Chitin Films using Surface Plasmon Resonance
Michelle Corley Winthrop University John Matson (Chemistry)
Optimization of the Transfer-To Approach for Bottlebrush Polymer Synthesis
Thomas Cotey Case Western Reserve University Richey Davis (Chemical Engineering) Design and Fabrication of Chitosan Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Rosmarinic Acid
Matthew Long University of Virginia Behareh Behkam (Mechanical Engineering) Nanoscale Bacteria-Enabled Drug Delivery System Optimization
Fiorella Mazzini Virginia Tech Harry Gibson (Chemistry)
Synthesis of a Heteroditopic AB Monomer for Polypseudorotaxane Host-Guest Supramolecular Polymer Systems
Katherine Miller Richard Stockton College Louis Madsen (Chemistry)
Time-Resolved Block Copolymer Micelle Unimer Dynamics
Donald Savacool Virginia Tech Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Poly(2,6-dimethylphenylene oxide) and Bisphenol A Poly(arylene ether ketone) Blends for Gas Separation Membranes
Jacob Troutman Wingate University Kevin Edgar (Sustainable Biomaterials) Creating Functional Variety in Hydroxypropyl Cellulose using Olefin Cross-Metathesis
Dyland Turpeinen Michigan Technological University Chang Lu (Chemical Engineering) Negative Isolation of Monocytes from Mouse Whole Blood via Polydimethylsiloxane Microfluidic Devices
Geoffrey Vaartstra Syracuse University Amrinder Nain (Mechanical Engineering) Breast Cancer Single-Cell Motility and Contractile Force Measurements on STEP Suspended Fibers
Kristen Wek Case Western Reserve University
Timothy Long (Chemistry)
Nucleobase Functionalized Polymers for Enhanced Interlayer Adhesion in 3D Printing

The 2014 NSF REU program which consisted of 10 undergraduates took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. Research abstracts are available here.

Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Katie Brown University of Rhode Island Behareh Behkam (Mechanical Engineering) nanoBEAD: A Revolutionary Biohybrid Vehicle 
Caroline Chun Sweet Briar College Tijana Grove (Chemistry) Synthesis of PEG-b-PCL Block Copolymers for a Theranostic System
Vincent Einck University of Massachusetts-Amherst Louis Madsen (Chemistry)
Hydrogen Sulfide Delivery
Neil Forsythe Pomona College Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Synthesis and Solution Rheology of Imidazolium Containing Polyesters for Electrospinning
Sapna Rao University of Virginia Amrinder Nain (Mechanical Engineering) Single Cell Directionality on Nanofibers
Peyi Runsewe University of Maryland Richey Davis (Chemical Engineering) Fabrication and Characterization of Quantum Dot-Incorporated Carboxymethyl Cellulose Acetate Butyrate Nanoparticles
David Ruohoniemi University of Virginia Timothy Long (Chemistry)
Novel Photopolymers for use in Mask Projection Microstereolithography
Stephen Schmidt Carroll College Alan Esker (Chemistry)
Adsorption of Human Hemoglobin onto Chitin and Cellulose Surfaces
Emily York Niagara University Kevin Edgar (Sustainbale Biomaterials) Hydroboration of Cellulose Esters with 9-BBN
Richard Yu Washington University in St. Louis Chang Lu (Chemical Engineering) Microfabricated Magnetic Patterns for Improving Microfluidic Immunomagnetic Separation

The 2013 NSF REU program, which consisted of 13 undergraduates, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. Research abstracts are available here.

School (Major)
Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Sarah Callinan Richard Stockton College (Biochemistry) Tijana Grove (Chemistry) Polymer Coated Mn2+ MOFs for Theranostic Applications
Kara Capasso Richard Stockton College (Chemistry) Kevin Edgar (Sustainable Biomaterials) Synthesis of Cellulose Acetate Propionate for Optical Testing
William Chiang Virginia Tech (Biochemistry) Timothy Long (Chemistry) Bio-inspired Histamine-Containing Elastomers
Travis DePriest Virginia Tech (Physics) Alan Esker (Chemistry) Enzymatic Degradation of Lichenan Layers on Regenerated Cellulose Surfaces
Kabir Dhada Georgia Tech (Chemistry) Amrinder Nain (Mechanical Engineering) Cancer Cell Protrusion Dynamics On Nanofibers
Elizabeth Fontaine Clemson University (Biomedical Engineering) Chang Lu (Chemical Engineering) Optimization of DNA Bisulfite Conversion for Microfluidic Chip Application
Heather Froggatt Case Western Reserve University (Polymer Science) Timothy Long (Chemistry) Polysaccharide-Polymer Nanoplexes for Wound Healing Applications
Matt Joseph Roanoke College (Chemistry) James McGrath (Chemistry) Synthesis of Melt Processable Acrylonitrile/Methyl Acrylate (AN/MA) Statistical Copolymers via RAFT Polymerization
Josh Moore Virginia Tech (Biology) James McGrath (Chemistry) Investigation of Novel Monomer Synthesis for Membrane Separations
Ashley Peralta Hampton University (Chemistry) Judy Riffle (Chemistry) Synthesis of Acrylamide Phosphonate Monomers and Polymers
Chad Powell Clemson University Lou Madsen (Chemistry) No Abstract
Evan Smith Virginia Tech (Mechanical Engineering) Behareh Behkam (Mechanical Engineering) 3T3 Mammalian Cell Chemotaxis on Nanoscaffolds in a Flow-Based Microfluidic Device
Zachary Weinrich Case Western Reserve University (MACR) Timothy Long (Chemistry) Structure-Property Relationships of Segmented Phosphonium Ionenes for Treating Genetic Diseases

The 2012 NSF REU program, which consisted of 16 undergraduates, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. Research abstracts are available here.

School (Major)
Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Frances Ampah Virginia Tech (Psychology/Pre-med) Maren Roman (Sustainable Biomaterials) Functionalization of Celulose Nanocrystals with FITC-Labeled GRGDS Peptide for Cancer Targeting
Omkar Betageri University of Connecticut (Biomedical Engineering) Maren Roman (Sustainable Biomaterials)
Evaluation of the Bioactivity and Biocompatibility of Cellulose Nanocrystals for Bone Tissue Engineering
Monica Boatwright Alabama-Huntsville (Chemical Engineering) Louis Madsen (Chemistry)
Study of Polymer Beacons for DNA Delivery by MRI
Stacey Chin Carnegie Mellon (Chemistry) Richard Turner (Chemistry)
Synthesis of Anionic Copolymers with Anti-HIV Microbicide Activity
Abyssina Davis St. Paul's College Richard Turner and Rich Gandour (Chemistry)
Polymers for Anti-HIV Microbicides
Travis DePriest Virginia Tech (Physics) Jean Heremans and Victoria Soghomonian (Physics) Adsorption of Mixed Linkage Glucans onto Regenerated Cellulose Surfaces
Charles Easterling University of Southern Mississippi (Polymer Science) Tijana Grove (Chemistry)
Manganese-Organic Frameworks Embedded in Hydrogels and Microspheres
Matt Joseph Roanoke College (Chemistry) James McGrath and Sue Mecham (Chemistry)
Synthesis of Melt Processable Poly(Acrylonitrile-co- Methyl Acrylate) Copolymers
Danielle Kellogg St. John Fisher College (Chemistry/Biochemistry) Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Synthesis and Characterization of Diblock Polymer Zwitterions Containing Phosphonate Anions
Jennifer Ludwig University of Massachusetts-Amherst (Chemistry/Biochemistry) Timothy Long (Chemistry)
Polyurethane Electrolytes Based on Phosphonium Cations and their Polyplexes with Nucleic Acids
Michelle Mahoney Virginia Tech (Biochemistry) Kevin Edgar (Sustainable Biomaterials)
Amphiphilic Pullulan Ethers as Biocompatible Micelles
Joshua Moore St. Paul's College (Biology) Kevin Edgar (Sustainable Biomaterials)
Synthesis of Acetylated Alginates
Trevor Parker Virginia Tech (Chemistry) Rich Gandour (Chemistry) Synthesis of Chemical Linkers for Bionanoconstructs
Earl Ritchie Clemson University (Chemistry) Kevin Edgar (Sustainable Biomaterials)
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Cellulose ω-Carboxyalkanoates for the Oral Delivery of Crystalline Drugs
Julie Robinson Clemson University (Chemical Engineering) Richey Davis (Chemical Engineering) Properties of Novel Amphiphilic Copolymers in Water
Destinii Smith Shaw University (Biology) Judy Riffle and Sue Mecham (Chemistry) Analysis of Block Copolymers by SEC with Multiple Detectors

The 2011 NSF REU program, which consisted of 15 undergraduates, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. 

Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Kristina Caldwell St. Paul's College Rich Gandour (Chemistry) Block Copolymers for Anti-HIV Microbicides
Jennifer Carter St. Paul's College Kevin Edgar (Sustainable Biomaterials) Enhanced ater Solubility and Bioavailability of HIV Drugs
Benjamin Cherniawski Virginia Tech Kevin Edgar (Sustainable Biomaterials) Synthesis of Cellulose Esters with Long Sidechains
Kerry DeMella Virginia Tech Timothy Long (Chemistry) Forming Polyelectrolute Nanoparticles: Tailoring Size ad Shape for Efficient Gene
Emma Edgar Wake Forest University Alan Esker (Chemistry)
Adsorption of Xyloglucan onto Sulfated Cellulose Nanocrystals Films
Anthony Gai Alfred University Jean Heremans and Victoria Soghomonian (Physics) Fabrication and Behavior of Bismuth Hall Effect Bopsensors
Gregory Hartmann Virginia Tech Abby Whittingon (Materials Science and Engineering) Mineralization of Polymer Scaffolds by Calcium Phosphates
Christopher Houser Bloomsburg University Maren Roman (Sustainable Biomaterials) Enzymatic Surface Deacetylation of Chitin Nanocrystals
Lindsay Johnson Virginia Tech Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Poly(ammoniuim Bisphosphonate-g-ethylene oxide) Copolymers for Biomedical Applications
Lindsay Matolyak Indiana University of PA Richard Turner (Chemistry)
Alternating Copolymers with Precisely Placed Ionic Groups and Their Antiviral Properties
Nathan Mitchell Emory & Henry College Nammalway Sriranganthan (Biomedial Science and Pathology) No Abstract
Trevor Parker Virginia Tech Rich Gandour (Chemistry)
Synthesis of Amphiphilic Polyethylene oxide)-lipid Anchors for Assembling Coated Nanoparticles
Destinii Smith Shaw University Maren Roman (Sustainable Biomaterials) Gold-Coated Cellulose Nanocrystals for Potential Bioimaging Applications
Andrea Stadther Spring Hill College Nammalway Sriranganthan (Biomedical Science and Pathology) In Vitro Release of Rifampicin-Loaded Carboxymethylcellylose Acetate Butrate
Irene Turner St. Paul's College Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Amphiphilic Triblock Copolyethers for Conjugation to Therapeutic Proteins

The 2010 NSF REU program, which consisted of 14 undergraduates, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. Research abstracts are available here.

Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Mauve Budi Clemson University Alan Esker (Chemistry) Adsorption of Select Hemicelluloses to a Model Cellulose Surface
Jennifer Carter St. Paul's College James McGrath (Chemistry)
Synthesis and Characterizatio of New Aromativ Polymer Materials for Gas Separation Membranes
Joe Dennis Virginia Tech Timothy Long (Chemistry)
Design of Bioinspired Imidazolium-containing Copolyesters for Drug Delivery Applications
Lindsay Johnson Virginia Tech Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Block Ionomer Complexes Carrying Multifunctional Cationicaminoglycosides
Stephanie Konecke Virginia Tech Kevin Edgar (Sustainable Biomaterials) Water Solubility of Flabonoids by Solid Dispersion in Cellulose Derivatives
Jacob Lindsay Virginia Tech Kevin Edgar (Sustainable Biomaterials) and Richey Davis (Chemical Engineering) Improved Bioavailability of Clarithromycin Through Nanopatricle Formation with Carboxymethyl Cellulose Acetate Vutyrate Using a Multi-Inlet Vortex Mixer
Julia Logsdail Florida Institute of Technology Abby Morgan (Materials Science and Engineering) Fabrication and Characterization of Conjugated Phenolic Acids to Celatin Microspheres and Thin Films for Peroxynitrite Scavenging
Katherine MaGruder Virginia Tech Timothy Long and Robert Moore (Chemistry)
Analyzing the Binding Interactions between Varying Percents of Alkylation and Substitutimn of Poly(1-vinylimidazole) and Heparin for Use in Gene Therapy
Tekesha Rhodes St. Paul's College James McGrath (Chemistry)
Synthesis and Characterization of New Aromatic Polymer Materials for Gas Separation Membranes
Andrew Shaver Case Western Reserve University James McGrath (Chemistry)
Novel Membranes for Water Purification
Anthony Sigillito University of Dallas Jean Heremans (Physics) The Design and Fabrication of Bismuth hall Effect Biosensors
Maggie Tillar University of Virginia Maren Roman (Sustainable Biomaterials) Cullular Uptake of Fluorescently-Labeled-Folate Targeted Cellulose Nanocrystals
Irene Turner St. Paul's College Abby Morgan(Materials Science and Engineering) Bisphosphonated Hydroxyethylchitosan Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration
C. van Duyn Virginia Tech Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Efficacy of Polymeric Nanoplexes Encapsulating Gentamicin for Elmination of Intercellular Pathogens in Vitro

The 2009 NSF REU program, which consisted of 23 undergraduates, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. Research abstracts are available here.

Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Sarah Bruner Virginia Tech Robert Moore (Chemistry)
Analyzing the Formation of Nanoscale Complexes of DNA and Polyimidazoles for use in Gene Transfection
Alfred Chen Oklahoma Baptist University Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Synthesis and Functionalization of Heterobifunctional Polyethers for the Stabilization of Magnetite
Heejun Choi Virginia Tech Alan Esker (Chemistry)
Adsorption Studies of Phospholipids onto Cellulose and other Surfaces
Theresa Cutler Virginia Tech Theresa Reineke (Chemistry)
Synthesis of (+) and (-) Tartrate-based Linear and Branched Poly(glycoamidoamine)s for Structure and Property Relationship Studies
Joseph Dennis Virginia Tech Timothy Long (Chemistry)
Synthesis of n-Butyl Acrylate and 1-Vinylimidazole-containing Copolymers
Meagan Douple Virginia Tech Richey Davis (Chemical Engineering) Design and Synthesis of Drug-Polymer Complexes for Drug Delivery
Owen Gallagher University of Virginia Andrea Dietrich (Civil and Environmental Engineering) Modeling Listeria monocytogenes Contamination in Ready-To-Eat Deli Meats to Establish Risk Assessment Metrics
Nzinga Geter University of South Carolina Upstate Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Polymer-Antibiotic Nanoplexes as Delivery Vehicles to Intracellular Bacteria
Alec Good The College of New Jersey Timothy Long (Chemistry)
Investigating Polyplex Stability and Thermodynamics for Gene Delivery using Gel Electrophoresis
Stefan Green New River Community College Victoria Soghomonian and Jean Heremans (Physics) Design of Magnetic Field Flux Concentrator for an AC Magnetic Field-Triggered Drug Delivery Application
Liz Huh Virginia Tech
Alan Esker (Chemistry)
Enzymatic Degradation of Regenerated Cellulose Cinnamate with Varying Degrees of Cinnamate Substitution
Barbara Lawson Virginia Tech
Abby Morgan (Materials Science and Engineering) A New Delivery System for Mitomycin C
Julia Logsdail Florida Institute of Technology Richard Turner (Chemistry)
Synthesis of Bis-Maleimide with a Degradable pH Sensitive Acetal Linkage for Drug Delivery Systems
Saemin Oh Virginia Tech
Maren Roman (Sustainable Biomaterials) Cellulose Nanocrystals for Targeted Drug Delivery Applications
Carlton "Chip" Parker Bethune-Cookman University Victoria Soghomonian and Jean Heremans (Physics) Design of an AC Magnetic Field Assembly for Localized and On-demand Drug Delivery Through Interaction of an AC Magnetic Field and Its Coupling to Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles
Nipon Pothayee Naresuan University Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Doxycycline-bile Acid Salt Complexes
Elvin Santiago University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez James McGrath (Chemistry)
Characterization of Random and Block Copolymers for Use in Reverse Osmosis Applications
Anthony Sigillito University of Dallas Victoria Soghomonian and Jean Heremans (Physics) Design, Fabrication, and Testing of Bismuth Hall Biosensors Capable of Detecting Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles
Timothy Smiley University of Missouri Science and Technology Andrea Dietrich (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
Application of GC/MS and DSC for Characterization of New and Extracted Polyethylene Pipe
Courtney Tate Virginia Tech Kevin Edgar (Sustainable Biomaterials)
Unconventional Esterification of Cellulose in Different Homogeneous Media
Pedrolando Valdez Virginia Tech Richey Davis (Chemical Engineering)
Determination of Hydrophobic interactions between Polymer-magnetite Complexes
Christine VanDuyn Virginia Tech Nammalwar Sriranganathan (Veterinary Medicine) Elimination of Intracellular Listeria Monocytogenes and Salmonella Typhimuriam from J774A.1 Mouse Macrophage Cells by Polymeric Nanoplexes Encapsulating Gentamicin
Ezra Yohannes Virginia Tech Alan Esker (Chemistry) Adsorption of Polysaccharides on Pullulan Model Surfaces

The 2008 NSF REU program, which consisted of 30 undergraduates in three separate research thrusts, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. Research abstracts are available here.

Field-Reponsive Materials REU
Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
John Bowen Virginia Tech Mark Paul (Mechanical Engineering) Exploring Chaos using Numerical Simulations of Simple Models
Heejun Choi Virginia Tech
Alan Esker (Chemistry) Adsorption of Phospholipid Bilayers onto Pullulan-modified Cellulose Surfaces
Kelly Daly Virginia Tech
Paul Deck (Chemistry)
Progress Toward a Highly Fluorinated, Sulfonated Diels-Alder Polyphenylene for Use as a Proton Exchange Membrane in Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Lauren Force King's College Richard Turner (Chemistry)
Dumbbell-Shaped Polysulfones with Hyperbranched Ionic End Groups
Joseph Gilpin University of Dallas Victoria Soghomonian and Jean Heremans (Physics) Influence of Magnetic Molecules on Electron Spin Scattering in InAs
Damian Illings Colorado School of Mines Maren Roman (Sustainable Biomaterials) Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Cellulose Nanocrystals for Use in Targeted Drug Delivery Systems
Jacquelyn McRae Norfolk State University Robert Moore (Chemistry)
Manipulation of the Nanostructure of an Ionic Polymer Metal Composite via Post-Polymerization Sulfonation of the Ionomer Membrane
Nicholas Moon Case Western Reserve University Timothy Long (Chemistry)
Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Class of PEG Ionenes with Varying PEG Length
Annaria Nardone Washington and Lee University Randy Heflin (Physics) Electronic Devices by Ionic Self-assembled Multilayers (ISAMS)
Christian Reinholz Clemson University Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
No Abstract
Alexander Rich Virginia Tech
Felicia Etzkorn (Chemistry)
Synthesis and Characterization of a Rhodamine Labeled Peptide for the Assay of Pin1 Inhibitors
Akia Scruggs Norfolk State University Abby Morgan (Materials Science and Engineering) Gelatin and Albumin Microspheres for Drug Delivery in Bone Regeneration
Holly Sewell University of Colorado Richey Davis (Chemical Engineering) Formation of Magnetite Clusters using a Confined Impinging Jet Mixer
Materials and Processes for PEM Fuel Cells REU
Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Kyle Bryson Pennsylvania State University Robert Moore (Chemistry) A Novel Polystyrene Derivative Designed for PEMFCs
Geoffrey Campbell Michigan Technological University Donald Baird (Chemical Engineering)
Effects of Solvent-casting Conditions on the Final Properties of Disulfonated Poly(arylene ether sulfone) Copolymer Films for Fuel Cell Proton Exchange Membranes
Timothy Garvey University of Southern Mississippi James McGrath (Chemistry)
Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Study of a Novel Poly(arylene ether benzonitrile) and Disulfonated Poly(arylene ether sulfone) Multiblock Copolymer Membrane
Timothy Gray Virginia Tech
David Dillard (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Development of a Novel Test Fixture to Quantify Mechanically Induced Electrical Shorting of Proton Exchange Membrane for Fuel Cell Applications
Christopher Horvath Syracuse University Nakhiah Goulbourne (Mechanical Engineering)
Ionic Polymer-Metal Composites as Residual Stress and Humidity Sensors for PEM Fuel Cells
Craig Keys Virginia Tech
Michael Ellis (Mechanical Engineering) and Chris Cornelius (Chemical Engineering) Conductivity of Electrolyte Membranes Within Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Joshua Kezele Lehigh University Michael von Spakovsky (Mechanical Engineering)
Development and Testing of Micro-tubular Fuel Cells for United States Air Force Micro-Aerial Vehicles
Erin Littleton Virginia Tech
Alan Esker (Chemistry)
Solvent Mass Uptake Studies of Biphenyl Poly(Arylene Ether Sulfone) Copolymer Thin Films via Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring
Emily Mieritz Colorado School of Mines Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Blister Testing: Correlating Pressure and Displacement Data to Determine Biaxial Stress States on Gore® 57 Membrane for Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Katherine Radavich University of Wisconsni Ishwar Puri (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Flame Synthesized Carbon Nanostructures as Anodes in Microbial Fuel Cells
Duane Rollins Virginia Tech
Robert West (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Characterization of the Membrane Material Found in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs)
Jessica Wright Virginia Tech
Michael Ellis (Mechanical Engineering)
Coefficient of Hygral Expansion for NR-211
Macromolecular Interface with the Life Sciences IGERT REU
Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Jenny Bey Virginia Tech
Jim Tanko (Chemistry) Kinetic Isopope Effect Studies of para-Substituted-N, Ndimethylanilines
Dong-Chun Choi Virginia Tech
Maren Roman (Sustainable Biomaterials) Ink‐jet Printed Cellulose Nanocrystal Substrates for Cell Micropatterning
Paul Kim Virginia Tech
Kevin Zhou (Food Science and Technology) Antiproliferative Effect of Various Fruits against Human Breast Cancer Cell Grown in Vitro
Allison Pagano Virginia Tech
Webster Santos (Chemistry) Cloning of Alpha-synuclein and Firefly Luciferase Fusion Constructs
Christine Sargent Virginia Tech
Andrea Dietrich (Civil and Environmental Engineering) Production of Metallic Flavor Compounds by Oxidation of Oral Cell Membrane Fatty Acids and its Prevention by Antioxidants and Chelating Agents

The 2007 NSF REU program which consisted of 30 undergraduates in four separate research thrusts took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. Research abstracts are available here.

Field-Reponsive Materials REU
Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Michael Allen DeSales University Timothy Long (Chemistry) Synthesis and Characterization of Polysulfobetaines
Clairette Angeli
University of Virginia Harry Dorn (Chemistry)
Purification of Trimetallic Nitride Template Endohedral Metallofullerenes by Chemical Reaction of Eutectic 9 methylanthracene with Fullerenes
Peter Bailey University of South Carolina Upstate Harry Gibson (Chemistry)
Chelidamic Acid: a Key Component of Cryptand Hosts for Self-Assembly of Supramolecular Polymers
Ryan Cronshaw Virginia Tech Kevin Edgar (Sustainable Biomaterials) The Esterification of Carboxymethyl Cellulose and Its Applications as a Drug Delivery Vehicle
Samantha Farris Virginia Tech Alan Esker (Chemistry)
Air/Water Interface Study of Poly(ethylene glycol) Monostearate Esters and Magnetic Nanoparticles Stabilized with PEG Surfactants
Jeremy Jones Virginia Tech Felicia Etzkorn (Chemistry)
Synthesis of Collagen Mimic
Alexander Jordan Virginia Tech Richey Davis (Chemical Engineering) Confined Impingement Jet Mixing to Obtain Controlled Size Distributions of Polymer-Stabilized β-Carotene Nanoparticles
Arielle McNeill University of South Carolina Upstate Richard Turner (Chemistry)
Synthesis and Solution Properties of Poly(Sodium Styrene Sulfonate- Alt-Sodium-N(4-Sulfophenyl) Maleimide)
Christian Reinholz Clemson University Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Stability Studies of Magnetite Nanoparticles
Margarita Smith Virginia Tech Mark Paul (Mechanical Engineering) Quantifying the Dynamics of Thermoelastically Driven Nanoscale Beams in Fluid
Materials and Processes for PEM Fuel Cells REU
Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Haley Carney Georgia Tech Michael Ellis (Mechanical Engineering) Fabrication and Evaluation of Gas Diffusion Media with Low In-Plane Resistance
Thomas Cochell Colorado School of Mines Ishwar Puri (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Impact of Carbon-Nanostructured Anodes on Escherichia coli Biofilm Formation and Viability for use in Microbial Fuel Cells
Justin Curd Virginia Tech Timothy Long (Chemistry) Synthesis and Characterization of Phosphonium Ionenes
James DeJesus Kansas State University Michael von Spakovsky (Mechanical Engineering)
Enhancing the Conduction Layer Performance for the Cathode and Anode of Micro-tubular Fuel Cells for Micro Air Vehicle
Stuart Dunn Virginia Tech James McGrath (Chemistry) Synthesis and Characterization of Ion-containing, Hydrocarbon-based Multiblock Copolymers as Novel Proton Exchange Membranes
Timothy Gray Virginia Tech David Dillard (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Stress Relaxation Fixture, A Method For Testing Thin Film Specimens
Jacob Grohs Virginia Tech Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Evaluating the Time and Temperature Dependent Biaxial Strength of Gore® 57 Using a Pressure Loaded Blister Test
Margarite Parker University of Colorado Donald Baird (Chemical Engineering)
The Effect of Graphite Type on Bipolar Plate Composites for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
Beth Tucker Roanoke College Alan Esker (Chemistry)
Characterization of Swelling Behavior in Thin Films of Biphenyl Poly(Arylene Ether Sulfone) Copolymers
Macromolecular Science and Infrastructure Engineering IGERT REU
Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Maggie Ashworth Virginia Tech Judy Riffle (Chemistry) Biodegradable Polymer Nanospheres
Heather Masters Virginia Tech Kevin Edgar (Sustainable Biomaterials) Modification of Carboxymethylcellulose and its Properties Related to Drug Delivery
Reza Montazami Virginia Tech Randy Heflin (Physics) Electrochromic Properties of ISAM device Based on PANI and PASA
Cullen O'Connor The College of New Jersey Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Fatigue Damage of E-Glass/Vinyl-Ester Composites Under Fully Reversed Loading
Timothy Vadala Virginia Tech Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Well Defined Multifunctional Magnetic Nanoparticles
Macromolecular Interface with the Life Sciences IGERT REU
Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Shaheen Ahmad Virginia Tech Kevin Zhou (Food Science and Technology) Antioxidant Capacity and Components of Virginia Grapes
Jena Highkin Virginia Tech
Ed Smith (Animal and Poultry Sciences) Molecular and Biochemical Analysis of Oxidative Stress in Toxin- Induced Dilated Cardiomyopathy Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo)
Rory Polera University of Illinois Andrea Dietrich (Civil and Environmental Engineering) Formation and Sorption of Trihalomethanes in Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride and Polyethylene Pipes Used in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
Carolyn Robinson Clark Atlanta University Timothy Long (Chemistry) Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Poly(ethylene glycol) – Glutathione Conjugates for Biomedical Applications
Amanda Shea Virginia Tech
Susan Duncan (Food Science and Technology) Oxidation of Algae Oil, Flax Oil, and Milk fat and the Effect of Chitosan and Lipoic Acid
Stephanie Zimmeck Virginia Tech
Jim Tanko (Chemistry) Solvent Effects on the Kinetics of the Hydroxyl Radical Generated from N-hydroxypyridine-2(1H)-thione


The 2006 NSF REU program, which consisted of 38 undergraduates in four separate research thrusts, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. Research abstracts are available here.

Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Wade Alexander West Virginia University Joe Marcy (Food Science and Technology) Complexation of α-Tocopherol and Quercetin with α-, β-, and γ-Cyclodextrins
Clairette Angeli University of Virginia Harry Dorn (Chemistry) A Support Free Method of Isolating Trimetallic Nitride Endohedralmetallofullerenes
Eric Armstrong Vanderbilt University Richard Turner (Chemistry) Simple Fractionation of Hyperbranched Polymers
Maggie Ashworth Virginia Tech Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetic Polylactide Nanospheres
Margaux Baker University of Michigan Timothy Long (Chemistry)
Synthesis and Characterization of Hydrogen Bonding Polymers and Blends with Phosphonium Salts
Sara Bush University of North Dakota Ed Smith (Animal and Poultry Sciences) The Influence of Oxidative Stress on Immune Response in Chickens
Corbin Clawson Virginia Tech Mark Paul (Mechanical Engineering) Modeling of Ionomer Active Fluid Mixer
Mary Clay Austin Peay State University Maren Roman (Sustainable Biomaterials) Preparation of Cellulose Nanocrystal Solid Films
Travis Conner Virginia Tech Donald Baird (Chemical Engineering) The Development of Compression Moldable Laminate Bipolar Plates for Application in Fuel Cells
Jonathan Conyers Virginia Tech Alan Esker (Chemistry) Characterization of Optical Properties and Swelling Behavior in Thin Films of Biphenyl Poly(Arylene Ether Sulfone) Copolymers
Daniel Drazenovich Virginia Tech Alan Esker (Chemistry)
Hydroxypropyltrimethylammonium-Xylan Adsorption Studies onto Model Surfaces via Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy
Stuart Dunn Virginia Tech James McGrath (Chemistry)
Chemical Composition and Sequence Length Effects on Proton Exchange Membrane Transport Properties
Eric Eberhardt Radford University Felicia Etzkorn (Chemistry)
Solid-Phase Synthesis of a Potential Pin1 Inhibitor
Ross Frey Purdue University Ishwar Puri (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Carbon Nanowire Based Biological Fuel Cell Anode Design with the Utilization of Nitrosomonas europaea
Nyssa Glenn Virginia Tech Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Determination of MEA Material Properties using 3D Digital Image Correlation System
Michael Hamilton Virginia Tech Michael Ellis (Mechanical Engineering) Comparison of Electrocatalysts and Membrane Materials (BPSH-35 and Nafion® 117) for Direct Ethanol Fuel Cells
Will Harkcom Virginia Tech David Bevan (Biochemistry) Molecular Docking and Monoamine Oxidase B:A Computational Approach to Novel Inhibitor Discovery
Sarah Huffer Virginia Tech Alan Esker (Chemistry)
Viscoelastic Properties of Poly(dimethylsiloxane) and Octaisobutyl-POSS Blends
Michael Hunt Virginia Tech David Clark (Materials Science and Engineering) The Effect of Particle Size on Alumina – Fluorine Interactions during MEA Combustion in a Microwave Field
Julie Karceski University of Iowa Nakhiah Goulbourne (Mechanical Engineering) Characterization of Ionic Polymer Membranes for Application as a Heart Sensor
Daniel Kraft Worcester Polytechnic Institute Randy Heflin (Physics) Organic Solar Cells Using Ionic Self Assembled Multilayers
Justin Lemkul Virginia Tech Korinn Saker (Veterinary Medicine) Quantitation of Oxidative DNA Damage of Peripheral White Blood Cells and Cells Grown in Culture
Marc Lorenzi Virginia Tech Richey Davis (Chemical Engineering) The Synthesis of Silver Nanocubes for Surface Plasmon Effects
Leslie Mercado University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Michael von Spakovsky (Mechanical Engineering) Reconstruction of 3D Porous Microstructure of the Cathode Catalyst Layer of a PEM Fuel Cell
Brian Mohns Virginia Tech Timothy Long (Chemistry) Supramolecular Structures Containing a Synergy of Hydrogen Bonding and Photocrosslinkable Sites
Reza Montazami Virginia Tech Randy Heflin (Physics) Electrochromic Properties of Thin Conductive Poly (aniline 2-sulfonic) acid (PASA) Films, Formed by Ionically Self- Assembled Monolayers (ISAM) Technique
Regina Mosley Clark Atlanta University Timothy Long (Chemistry) Analysis of Dissolved Oxygen
Kimberly Negrin Slippery Rock University Craig Thatcher (Veterinary Medicine) Prevalence of Obesity and Its Relationships to Hyperinsulinemia and Oxidative Stress/Inflammation in Horses
Alexander Nichols Austin College Timothy Long (Chemistry) Electrospinning of Associating Small Molecules
Julia Northrop Illinois Institute of Technology Nakhiah Goulbourne (Mechanical Engineering) Smart Skin for Morphing Wings
Joseph O'Connor The College of New Jersey Jack Lesko (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
R-Ratio Effects on Damage in Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites
Ryder Pingry Lafayette College Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Frequency Effects on Fatigue Life for Vinyl-Ester/E-Glass Structural Composites
Paul Rodgers Virginia Tech Jack Lesko (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Structural Fuel Cell Design Using Non-Metallic Substances
Jose Sanchez University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Jack Lesko (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Effect of Environmental Conditions on Performance of Adhesive Joints for Infrastructure Applications
Dana Scott Pennsylvania State University David Dillard (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Creep-Induced Leakage in Proton Exchange Membranes
William Soublo Virginia Tech Chip Frazier (Sustainable Biomaterials) Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) of a Moisture Cure Polyurethane Adhesive
Timothy Vadala Virginia Tech Judy Riffle (Chemistry) Synthesis of Biocompatible Stabilizers to Tailor the Surface Properties of Magnetic Nanoparticles
Ryan Vetor Valparaiso University Harry Gibson (Chemistry) Threading a Molecular Needle: Complexation Studies of Pseudorotaxanes

The 2005 NSF REU program, which consisted of 27 undergraduates in three separate research thrusts, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. The abstract from the final written report may be seen by clicking here.

Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
William Alexander Marshall University Diego Troya (Chemistry) Theoretical Study of the Effect of Chain Substituent Mass on Energy Transfer in Collisions of Ar with Model HDPE , PVDF, and PTFE
William (Joe) Allen Jamestown College David Bevan (Biochemistry) Evaluating DOCK 5.2 for the Analysis of Monoamine Oxidase B and B-Glucosidases
Emily Anderson University of North Carolina Timothy Long (Chemistry)
Stimuli Responsive Amphiphilic Tribloc Copolymer Brushes
Roberto Alvarado University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Jack Lesko and Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Combined Mechanism Durability Modeling and Validation for Composite Naval Structures
Daniel Armanios University of Pittsburgh David Dillard (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Developing a Technique to Characterize Residual Stress in Proton Exchange Membranes
Maggie Ashworth Virginia Tech Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Toward Functional Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biotechnology
Erika Bechtold Virginia Tech Alan Esker (Chemistry)
Synthesis and Examination of Tri-headed and Two-tailed Carbamate-linked Ampiphiles
Jessica Bradford McDaniel College Maren Roman (Sustainable Biomaterials) Controlled Deposition of Cellulose Nanocrystals Using Ink-Jet Printing Technology
Anya Campbell-Hawthorn Virginia Tech Korinn Saker (Veterinary Medicine) Oxidative Damage and Antioxidant Status in the Canine Diabetic and Non-diabetic Cataractous Lens
Alicia Castagna Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute James McGrath (Chemistry)
Characterization of Proton Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cells
Brian Clements Virginia Tech Jack Lesko and Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Mechanical Property of Evaluation of Fire Retardant Resins
Jacqueline Evans Virginia Tech John Dillard (Chemistry) Durability and Performance of Epoxy Bonded to Alumina upon Emersion in Aqueous Solutions
Jackeline Hamelius Virginia Tech
Ulrika Egertsdotter (Forestry) Genetic Regulation of Embryo Development in Pinus taeda
Ayaka Honda University of Illinois Susan Duncan (Food Science and Technology) Deglycosylation of Flavonoids by Lactic Acid Fermentation in Air and Reduced Oxygen Atmospheres
Sarah Huffer Virginia Tech
Alan Esker (Chemistry)
pH and Ion Effects on Trisilanolphenyl-POSS Stability
Yiccun (Peter) Jian University of Texas Timothy Long (Chemistry)
UV Curable Cationic Polyelectrolytes for Electrospun Antimicrobial Membranes
Illeaner Maldonado University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Jack Lesko and Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Flexural Response of Under and Over Reinforced Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Reinforced Concrete Beams
Julie Martin Appalachian State University Andrea Dietrich (Civil and Environmental Engineering) Stability of Ethyl-t-Butyl Either Leached from Polyethylene Pipes by Drinking Water
David May Virginia Tech Felicia Etzkorn (Chemistry) No Abstract
Michael Meneses University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Jack Lesko and Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Structure-Mechanical Property Relations for Charred Composite Materials
Emmanuel Padilla University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Jack Lesko and Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Testing and Characterization of Polymer Sensors
Jennifer Quincy Brigham Young University David Dillard (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Fracture Resistance of Proton Exchange Membranes
Kelvin Santiago University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Jack Lesko and Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Proposed Concrete Filled Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFFRP) Tube Aging Study
Joycelyn Smith Clark Atlanta University Timothy Long (Chemistry) The Synthesis and Characterization of Linear Poly (D,L lactides) Containing Pendant “Complimentary Multiple Hydrogen Bonding Groups”
Michael Swift Virginia Tech Alan Esker (Chemistry) Investigation of Dewetting within Thin Polymer Bilayer Films
Tim Vadala Virginia Tech Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
No Abstract
Ian Winters University of Tennessee Jack Lesko and Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Analysis of the Repeatability of Techniques Used to Measure the Stress Relaxation and Creep Compliance of Nafion Membrane

The 2004 NSF REU program, which consisted of 33 undergraduates in three separate research thrusts, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations and faculty sponsors are listed below. The abstract from the final written report may be seen by clicking here.

Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
John Boyd University of South Carolina Upstate Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Synthesis of Poly(4-vinylphenoxyphthalonitrile-b-styrene) Cobalt Dispersion Stabilizers using Stable Free-Radical Processes
Jeff Carter Virginia Tech John Morris (Chemistry)
Reactivity Studies of Nano-Crystalline MgO Filaments with Dimethyl Methyl Phosphonate, a Chemical-Warfare-Agent Simulant
Christopher Cormier Clarkson University David Dillard (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Evaluation of a Beam on Elastic Foundation Design Method for Acrylic Foam Tape Bonds
Tommy Coupar Virginia Tech
Jack Lesko and Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Fabrication and Performance Testing of Monopolar Plates for Fuel Cell Operation
Daniel Crowther Virginia Tech
Timothy Long (Chemistry)
Synthesis and Characterization of Star-Shaped Poly(d,l-lactides)s
Burcin Erenturk KoC University Thomas Ward (Chemistry)
The Kinetics of Morphology Development in Thermoplastic Polyurethanes
Joci Forkner Virginia Tech
Craig Thatcher (Veterinary Medicine) Nutritional Amelioration of Oxidative Stress Induced by Obesity and Acute Weight Loss
David Fulks Virginia Tech
Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Poly(dimethylsiloxane-b-2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) Copolymers as Potential Surfactants for the Formation of Silica-Cobalt Microspheres
John Hottle Virginia Tech
Alan Esker (Chemistry)
Blends of Amphiphilic Poly(dimethylsiloxane) and Non-Amphiphilic Octaisobutyl-POSS at the Air/Water Interface
Sarah Huffler Virginia Tech
Alan Esker (Chemistry)
pH Effects on Trisilanolphenyl-POSS Stability
Phillip Huffstetler University of South Carolina Upstate Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Polymer-Cobalt Complexes and Their Conversion to Functionalized Nanoparticles
Michael Ibele University of North Carolina Jim Tanko (Chemistry)
Solvent Effects on the Rate of Decomposition of Dialkyloxyamines
John Janczak Virginia Tech
Jack Lesko and Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)\
Fabrication and Performance Testing of Monopolar Plates for Fuel Cell Operation
Cathleen Jones Austin College Timothy Long (Chemistry)
Amikacin Release from Electrospum Poly(d, l-lactide) Fibers
Steven Kyriakides Virginia Tech
Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Mechanical Behavior of Nafion ad Bpsh Membranes
Ozma Lane Radford University John Dillard (Chemistry)
Plasma Modified Polymer Electrolyte Membranes: Deposition of Platinum on Polysulfone Films for use in Fuel Cells
Julie Lim Virginia Tech
Felicia Etzkorn (Chemistry)
Synthesis and Characterization of the Collagen Mimetic Polypeptide (Gly-ψ[(E)CH=C]-Pro-Hyp) and the Model Polypeptide (Gly-Pro-Pro)n
Casey MacQueen Virginia Tech
Kim Forsten-Williams (Chemical Engineering) Immunofluorescent Analysis of Interleukin-1 Effects on Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein-2 Levels on Articular Chondrocyte Surfaces
Yanely Malave University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Jack Lesko and Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Durability and Variability  Offiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Concrete Reinforcing Bar
Jese Mangual University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Jack Lesko and Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Design and Testing of Adhesivesly Conded FRP Deck Joints
Kathryn McDonald University of Idaho Jack Lesko and Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Fatigue Variability of E-Glass/510-A-40 Laminates
Kariely Mejias University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Jack Lesko and Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Evaluation of the Durability of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcing Bars for Concrete Through Field Testing
Matthew Moore Virginia Tech Jack Lesko and Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Effect of Post Cure on Dow Chemical’s Derakane 470-300 Vinyl Ester Resin and Vetrotex E-Glass Composite Panels Fabricated by Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding
Hayriye Ozhalici KoC University Thomas Ward (Chemistry)
Investigation of the Molecular Recognition Characteristics of Adenine Modified Silicon Surfaces
Emmanuel Padilla University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez
Jack Lesko and Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Variations of Performance on Epoxy Used for Steel Coatings as a Function of Different Temperatured and Baking Times
Christopher Palmer Virginia Tech Timothy Long (Chemistry)
Synthesis & Characterization of Novel Cationic Polymers Based on Phosphonium Salts
Emily Pfeiffer Massaschusetts Institute of Technology Jack Lesko and Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Temperature-Dependent Thermal Fiffusivity of Glass/Vinyl Ester Composite
Rachelle Pinlac Johns Hopkins University James McGrath (Chemistry)
Synthesis and Characterization of Sulfonated Poly (arylene ether sulfone) Copolymers with Pendent Sulfonic Acid Groups
Todd Rickett University of Louisville Aaron Goldstein (Chemical Engineering)
Modifying pH of Biomimetic PAH/Heparin Films to Alter Cell Proliferation and Osteoblastic Differentiation
Amanda Rudisin Virginia Tech Timothy Long (Chemistry)
Cationic Polyelectrolytes as Gene Transfer Agents:  Topological and Molecular Weight Effects on Polyplex Size
Benjamin Saylor East Tennessee State University Harry Gibson (Chemistry) Synthesis of Slip-Link Monomers for Polyrotaxanes
Daniel Villarreal Virginia Tech Jack Lesko and Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Compression Strength of E-Glass/Vinyl Ester Composites Under Isothermal Conditions
Jeffrey Wisard Carson-Newman University Susan Duncan (Food Science and Technology) The Characterization and Comparison of Whey Protein Film Properties and Film Effectiveness in Preventing Rancidity in Roasted Peanuts

The 2003 NSF REU program, which consisted of 24 undergraduates, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations and faculty sponsors are listed below. The abstract from the final written report may be seen by clicking here.

Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Nathan Allison Clemson University David Dillard (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) The Time and Temperature-Dependent Behavior of PLASTILOCK® 731SI
Megan Andrew Duke University James McGrath (Chemistry) Synthesis, characterization and Preliminary Biocompatibility Studies of Sulfonated (Poly Arylene Ether Sulfone) Copolymers – Acid and Salt Form
Natalie Arnett Grambling State University James McGrath (Chemistry)
Properties of Sulfonated Polymer Blends:  Influence of Composition of Partially Fluorinated Sulfonated Copolymers on Surface and Membrane Behavior
Christopher Bashur Lafayette College Aaron Goldstein (Chemical Engineering) Electrospun Poly(L-Lactic Acid) Interfaces for Bone Tissue Engineering
John Boyd University of South Carolina Upstate Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Characterization of Novel Poly(ethylene-butylene)-Siloxane Sealaing Materials
Charles Budde Case Western Reserve University Ravi Saraf (Chemical Engineering)
Optical Properties of Gold Nanoparticle and Poly(allyamine Hydrochloride) Systems
Michael Christopher Virginia Tech David Dillard (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Determining the Mode I Adhesive Franture Energy of Dow Automative Low Energy Surface Adhesive
Rebecca Gillespie Princeton University Al Loos (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
The Effect of Maleic Anhydride Modified Polypropylene on the Mechanical Properties of Feather Fiber, Kraft Pulp, Polypropylene Composites
Jonathan Goff Virginia Tech
Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Investigation of Macromolecular-Magnetite Dispersions
Carmine Graniello Virginia Tech
William Ducker (Chemistry) No Abstract
Bradley Habenicht Virginia Tech
Harry Gibson (Chemistry)
Synthesis of trans-Dibenzo-24-Crown-8 Diester
John Hottle Virginia Tech
Alan Esker (Chemistry)
XPS and Optical Microscopy Analyses of Polystyrene and Trisilanolphenyl-POSS Bilayer Films
Phillip Huffstetler University of South Carolina Upstate Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
The Synthesis and Solution Properties of Poly(ethylene oxide)-b-Poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline)
Jillian Hurst Mary Washington College Kim Forsten-Williams (Chemical Engineering)
Surface Plasmon Resonance Studies Focused on Heparin-Protein Binding
Rebecca Huyck Transylvania University Timothy Long (Chemistry)
An Investigation of Photo-Crosslinking in the Design of Tailored Macromolecules
Ozma Lane Radford University John Dillard (Chemistry)
Surface Composition Of Platinum-Coated Sulfonated Polysulfones For Use As Polymer Electrolyte Membranes In Fuel Cells Using Plasma Deposition
Nathan Post Clarkson University Jack Lesko (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Fatigue Performance Variability of a Structural Composite for Calculating Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Parameters
Stephen Ros Virginia Tech
Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
The Determination of Moisture Content in Concrete
Roderick Seals Radford University Alan Esker (Chemistry)
Preparation of Thin Films of Fluorinated Cellulose Derivatives Using the Langmuir-Blodgett Technique
Glen Smith Winona State University Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
The Determination of the Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Hybrid, Composite Beams
Benjamin Vastine Virginia Tech
Alan Esker (Chemistry)
Surface Active POSS-co-n-butylmethacrylate Copolymers
Vernon Webb Morgan State University Jack Lesko (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Polymeric Composite Monopolar Plates For Fuel Cells
Ryan Weyers Virginia Tech
Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Network Formation on Magnetic Cobalt Nanoparticles using Poly(styrene-b-4-vinylphenoxyphthalonitrile) Copolymers
Kai Zuehlke Virginia Tech
Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Creep Response of a Glass/Vinyl Ester Composite Produced by Vacuum-Assisted Resin Transfer Molding

The 2002 NSF REU program, which consisted of 21 undergraduates, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. The abstract from the final written report may be seen by clicking here.

Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Gunnes Ekin Attila KoC University John Dillard (Chemistry) An Investigation of Adhesion Between Poly(Arylene Ether Sulfone) Membranes and Platinum-Carbon Catalyst
Joshua Bennett Virginia Commonwealth University Gary Wnek and James McGrath (Chemistry) Proton Conductivity of Sulfonated Poly(arylene ether sulfone) Copolymer Proton Exchange Membranes at Elevated Temperatures (60-150°C)
Jason Gaudet Clemson University Richey Davis (Chemical Engineering) Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly of Nanostructured Polymeric Second Order Nonlinear Optic Ultrathin Films
Jonathan Goff Virginia Tech Judy Riffle (Chemistry) Controlled Size Macromolecular-Magnetite Complexes
Joshua Grohs Virginia Tech
David Dillard (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Contrasting In-situ and Bulk Constitutive Properties of Adhesives
Melinda Hill Bloomsburg University James McGrath (Chemistry) Synthesis and Characterization of Directly Copolymerized Sulfonated Poly(arylene ether sulfone)s for Fuel Cell Applications
John Hottle Virginia Tech
Alan Esker (Chemistry) POSS-Polymer Blends at the Air/Water Interface I: Blends of Amphiphilic PDMS and Amphiphilic Trisilanolisobutyl-POSS
Matthew Kindig University of Virginia Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Carbon-Phenolic and Glass/Vinyl-Ester Composites Under Combined Thermal and Mechancial Loading
Steven Moechnig Winona State University Al Loos (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Mechanical Properties of Glass/Feather Fiber Composites
Zainab Oyetunji University of Maine Thomas Ward (Chemistry) Mechanism of Self-healing in Ethylene Ionomers
Robert Putt Michigan Technological Institute Michael von Spakovsky (Mechanical Engineering) Modeling and Imaging of Transport Phenomena in the Catalyst Layer of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Charles Ronco Virginia Tech
William Ducker (Chemistry) No Abstract
Samuel Schoenberg Missouri University of Science and Technology Carin Roberts-Wollmann (Civil and Environmental Engineering) Material Properties of GFRP Reinforcing Bars for Bridge Decks
Sara Stellfox Valparaiso University Harry Gibson (Chemistry) Synthesis of Crown Ethers
Charles Sweat Jr. Kentucky State University Ravis Saraf (Chemical Engineering) No Abstract
James Taylor Jr. Salisbury University Richard Weyers (Civil and Environmental Engineering) The Influence of Concrete Pore Water on the Epoxy Coating of Reinforcing Steel
Stacy Trey State University of New York at Oswego Timothy Long (Chemistry) Synthesis and Characterization of Self-Complementary Multiple Hydrogen-Bonded (SCMHB) Polymers
Benjamin Vastine Virginia Tech
Alan Esker (Chemistry)
Langmuir-Blodgett Film Formation of POSS-Derivatives
Vernon Webb Morgan State University James McGrath (Chemistry)
Thermo-Mechanical Properties of Sulfonated Polysulfone Copolymers
Ryan Weyers Virginia Tech
Judy Riffle (Chemistry) Synthesis and Characterization of Sulfonated Poly(arylene ether) Copolymers Containing Aromatic Nitriles
Brianne Williams West Virginia University Jack Lesko (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Measurement of the Interlamniar Stength of the 36″ Double Web Beam Flange

The 2001 NSF REU program, which consisted of 19 undergraduates, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations and faculty sponsors are listed below. The abstract from the final written report may be seen by clicking here.

Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Natalie Arnett Grambling State University James McGrath (Chemistry) The Synthesis and Characterization of Post Sulfonated Poly (Arylene Ether Sulfone)s Utilizing Chlorosulfonic Acid and it’s Silyl Derivative
Michael Bluemle Case Western Reserve University John Dillard (Chemistry) Chemical Modification Of Silicon And Silicon Carbide Surfaces Via Plasma Treatment
Kerry Campbell Kansas State University William Ducker (Chemistry) Interactions between Cationic Surfactants and Poly(Ethylene Oxide) Measured by Surfactant-Selective Electrodes
Chin Ping Chng Florida Institute of Technology Harry Gibson (Chemistry) Synthesis Of Bis(5-Carboxy-1,3-Phenylene)-14-Crown-4 And Its Polymerization with 4,4’-Oxybisaniline
Curtis Cleveland Hampton University James McGrath (Chemistry)
Effect of Solvent Composition and Concentration on Aggregate Size in Polymer Dispersions for Fuel Cell Membrane Electrode Assembly
Kevin Doyle Ohio University Thomas Ward (Chemistry) Adhesion between Epoxy and Glass Measured by the Shaft Loaded Blister Test
Abisake Feleke East Tennessee State University Ravi Saraf (Chemical Engineering) Immobilization and Hybridization of DNA on Polymer Surface
Josh Grohs Virginia Tech David Dillard (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Creep Rupture of Semi-Structural Pressure Sensitive Adhesives
Melinda Hill Bloomsburg University James McGrath (Chemistry) Zirconium Phosphate/Sulfonated Poly(Arylene Ether Sulfone) Membranes for Elevated Temperature Fuel Cell Application
Derek Hoffman Winona State University Brian Love (Materials Science and Engineering) Design of a New Light-based Settling Characterization Device
Rachael Hopp University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point James McGrath (Chemistry) Synthesis and Characterization of  Poly(Arylene Ether Ketone) Random (Statistical) Copolymers Via Direct Polymerization: Candidates for New Proton Exchange Membranes
Holly Hudson State University of New York at Oswego Alan Esker (Chemistry) Surface Chemistry Effects on Thin Film Stability
Denise Johnson Shaw University Timothy Long (Chemistry) In-Parallel Synthetic Methodologies for Stable Free Radical Polymerization and Selective Sulfonation of Block CoPolymers
Sheryl Kane Johns Hopkins University Timothy Long (Chemistry) Novel Methacrylate Copolymers: Photosensitive Adhesives and Hydrogels
Jennifer Leeson West Virginia University James McGrath (Chemistry) Design, Fabrication, and Testing of Membrane Electrode Assemblies Containing Novel Ion Containing Copolymers
Morgan Mager Georgia Tech Richey Davis (Chemical Engineering) Effects of Silica Inclusions on Plasticization in Permselective Polyimide Membranes
Heather Morrison James Madison University Judy Riffle (Chemistry) Synthesis of Poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline)-b-poly (dimethylsiloxane) for use in Silicone Magnetic Fluids
Ana Maria Pinto North Carolina State University Alan Esker (Chemistry) Controlling Dewetting in Ultra-thin Films
Joe Polidan Virginia Tech Alan Esker (Chemistry) Probing Surface Effects in POSS Nanocomposites

The 2000 NSF REU program, which consisted of 15 undergraduates, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. The abstract from the final written report may be seen by clicking here.

Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Melanie Bachemin University of Southern Mississippi Thomas Ward (Chemistry) Investigation of Solvent Diffusion Studies for a Model Epoxy Adhesive
Victor Baranauskas Virginia Tech Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Cresol Novolac Networks Containing Maleimide Reagents
Henry ("Junior") Burton Jr. Morgan State University Jack Lesko (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
An Investigation Into The Behavior Of Concrete-Filled FRP Tubes For Pile Foundations Under Axial Loading
Anita Carmichael Virginia Tech
Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Synthesis and Properties of Epoxy-Siloxane NetworksContaining Phosphine Oxides
Matthew Clarke University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Alan Esker (Chemistry)
Controlling Dewetting in Ultra-thin Films
Zorana Dicic Manhattan College Richey Davis (Chemical Engineering) Electric Field Tunable Materials for Thin Film Microwave Switching Devices
Robin Farmer Virginia Tech
Herve Marand (Chemistry)
Initial Stages of Crystallization In Bisphenol-A Polycarbonate
Harry Johnson Grambling State University James McGrath (Chemistry)
Synthesis of High Refractive Index Polyphosphonate Adhesives and Their Hydrolytic Stability
Brian Mather University of New Mexico Timothy Long (Chemistry)
Chemical Modification and Oxidative Degradation Studies of Poly(1,3-Cyclohexadiene)
Zachary Miller Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology John Dillard (Chemistry)
Durability Studies of Room Temperature Curing Silicone Adhesives: Mode I and Mode II Testing
Denise Pauler University of Texas Harry Gibson (Chemistry)
Synthesis of a Cryptand for Complexations with High Association Constants
Joseph Perry California State University, Fresno Brian Love (Materials Science and Engineering) Effects of Changes in Aluminum Surface Morphology On Underwater Adhesion
Michael ("Shane") Thompson North Carolina State University Judy Riffle (Chemistry)
Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetic Polydimethylsiloxane Fluids
Jeffrey Ward University of California, Berkeley Ravi Saraf (Chemical Engineering) In-situ Sub-Micron Photo-Luminescent Particle Synthesis by Surface Modification
Stefan Williams Pennsylvania State University David Dillard (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Bimaterial Curvature Measurements For Characterizing Coefficients Of Thermal And Diluent Expansion Of Structural Adhesives

The 1999 NSF-STC SURP program, which consisted of 21 undergraduates, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. The abstract from the final written report may be seen by clicking here.

Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Stefan Andreev Dartmouth College Thomas Ward (Chemistry) Humidity Effects on Mechanical Properties of Kaptone® E
Mary Biddy Texas A&M University Richey Davis (Chemical Engineering) Releasable Ionically Self-Assembled Monolayers
Jeffrey Briggs Transylvania University Timothy Long (Chemistry) Synthesis and Characterization of Norbornene and Maleic Anhydride Alternating Copolymers
Jeffrey Capadona St. Joseph's College John Dillard (Chemistry) Adhesive Bonding and Durability of Plasma Sprayed Aluminum Adherends
Robin Farmer Virginia Tech Hervé Marand (Chemistry) Influence of Structural Constraints on the Crystallization and Melting Behavior of Poly(arylene ether ether ketone)
Peter Hess Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Jack Lesko (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FPR) Bridge Design:  A Connection Solution for Prefabricated Cellular Bridge Decks and Straingers
Casey Hudelson Michigan State University Ravi Saraf (Chemical Engineering) Electrical Properties of Metal-Filled Composites
Kyle Jadin Michigan Technological University Garth Wilkes (Chemical Engineering) Effect of Prestrain on the Crystalline Morphology of a Semicrystalline Copolyester
Gilbert Min Carnegie Mellon University William Ducker (Chemistry) Competitive Adsorption Between a Cationic Polyelectrolyte and a Cationic Surfactant onto Negatively Charged Silica
Katharine Nelson Mount Holyoke College Ron Kander (Materials Science and Engineering) Mechanical Milling and Alloying of High Performance Polymers
Jeremy Pasatta Rochester Institute of TEchnology Timothy Long (Chemistry) Characterization of Liquid Crystalline Polyester Morphology
Nathan Reynolds Binghamton University Paul Deck (Chemistry) Synthesis of Perfluoroarylene-Cyclopentadiene Alternating Copolymers
Grace Smalley Canisius College James McGrath (Chemistry) Synthesis of Sulfonated Poly(arylene ether phosphine oxide)s for Proton Exchange Membrane/Fuel Cell Applications
Christopher Smith University of Florida David Dillard (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Measurement of Residual Stresses and Thermal Expension in Adhesive Bonds
Jeanette Stewart Clark Atlanta University N/A No Abstract
Charles Stout University of Memphis K.L. Reifsnider (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Mechanical Property Analysis and Predicition of Cord-Rubber Composites
Mark Stoykovich Massachusetts Institute of Technology Al Loos (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Cure Schedule Effects on the Glass Transition of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Pet-ultem Composites
Allison Suggs Virginia Tech Brian Love (Materials Science and Engineering) Application of Photopolymerized Resins in Artifical Hip Replacements
Karen Switek Valparaiso University Harry Gibson (Chemistry) An Effecient New Cryptand Host for Supermolecular Chemistry
Kwee Yan Teh Purdue University David Dillard (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Investigation of Thermal Ratchetting Effect in Conductive Adhesive Joints
Michael Thompson North Carolina State University Judy Riffle (Chemistry) A Latent Initiator for Phenolic/Epoxy Composites

The 1998 NSF-STC SURP program, which consisted of 20 undergraduates, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. The abstract from the final written report may be seen by clicking here.

Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Kristine Bergeron Johns Hopkins University Judy Riffle (Chemistry) Catalysis Effects on the Kinetics of Novolac Curred with Epoxy Resin
Kimberly Berkowski University of Detroit Mercy Thomas Ward (Chemistry) Phase Diagram of Epoxy Resin Modified with Poly(phosphine Oxide -co-sulone sulfide)
Brian Boggess University of Virginia David Dillard (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) The Developmenht of Dynamic Wedge Test for the Study of Double-Cantilever Beam Specimens: Initial Study of the Failure of Poloyimide Adhesives Subjected to Impact Loading
Sianny Christanti University of Wisconsin Richey Davis (Chemical Engineering) and Scott Case (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
The Effects of Silane Coupling Agents on the Mechanical Performance of Alumina-silica Ceramic Fiber Reinforced Vinyl Ester Composites
Ravi Desai Lehigh University Hervé Marand (Chemistry) Secondary Crystallization Kinetics of Poly(ether ether ketone)
Deanna Gomochak Saint Mary's College Harry Gibson (Chemistry) Applying Controlled/”Living” Radical Polymerization to Surface Modification of Silica Gel
Michael Hickner Michigan Technological University James McGrath (Chemistry) Synthesis of Poly(arylene ether phosphine oxide)s via Melt Polymerization
Rebecca Jelen Clemson University Judy Riffle (Chemistry) Polyurethane Interphase Mateials for Carbon Fiber/Vinyl Ester Composites
Chad Johnson Hampton University Thomas Ward (Chemistry) The Effect of Surfactant on the Moisture Optake Properties of Glass-Bead Filled Epoxies
Eric Jones Case Western Reserve University William Ducker (Chemistry) Influence of Adsorbed Polymers on Inter-Particle Forces in Silica Colloids
Juliani Uiversity of Oklahoma Ron Kander (Materials Science and Engineering) Investigation of Ophthalmic Lends Scratch Resistance
John Jungk Washington State University Al Loos (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Moisture Exposure Effects on Carbon Fiber-Reinforced PhenylEthynyl-Terminated Ultem™ Composites
Melissa Morrell Swarthmore College Jack Lesko (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Correlation of Ctack Density and Residual Strength and Stiffness of Saturated Vinyl Ester E-Glass Composite
Sherine Obare West Virginia State College John Dillard (Chemistry) Investigation and Optimization of Plasma Pretreatment and Polymerization on Ti-6Al-4V for Enhanced Bond Performance
Nathan Reynolds Binghamton University Paul Deck (Chemistry) Electronic Effects of Ancillary Ligand Aryl Substituents on the Ethylene Polymerization Activity of Group 4 Metallocene Catalysts
Ellen Scheuer Carthage College William Ducker (Chemistry) Polystyrene Spheres as a Model of Two-Dimensional Non-Equilibrium Phase Transitions
Lu Shan Lipscomb University Ken Reifsnider (Chemical Engineering) Influence of Polymer Network Structure on Mechanical Response
Allison Suggs Virginia Tech Brian Love (Materials Science and Engineering) The Effect of Surfactant on Water Sorption and Viscoelastic Behavior of Waterborne Latex Epoxy Resins
Grant Vogl Virginia Tech Michael Hyer (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Response of Elliptial Composite Cylinders to Temperature Changes
Stefan Williams Pennsylvania State University James McGrath (Chemistry) and Garth Wilkes (Chemical Engineering) Thermal Stability, Crystallization, and Morphology of a New Semicrystalline Polyimide Based on 1,3-BIS (4-Aminophenoxy) Benzene and 3,3′,4,4′-Benzophenonetetracarboxylic Dianhydride

The 1997 NSF-STC SURP program, which consisted of 18 undergraduates, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. The abstract from the final written report may be seen by clicking here.

Faculty Mentor (Department)
Abstract Title
Octavia Brauner North Carolina State University Ken Reifsnider (Chemical Engineering) Ceramic Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites
Jonathan Busick North Carolina State University
Alex Aning (Materials Science and Engineering) Mechanically Alloyed Graphite Reinforced Nylon Matrix Composites
Christopher Carrier University of Virginia David Dillard (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics) Experimental Determination of an Initiation Criterion for Fatigue Cracking in Adhesive Bonds
Michael Craven Virginia Tech N/A No Abstract
Scott Hebner Michigan State University N/A No Abstract
Douglas Hickman Clark Atlanta University Thomas Ward (Chemistry) Evaluation of Amorphous Polysters for Potential Use as Polycyanurate Tougheners
Josh Jackson Virginia Tech Brian Love (Materials Science and Engineering) Effects on Environmental Exposure on Solvent and Water-Based Epoxy Systems
LaShanda James Clark Atlanta University
Thomas Ward (Chemistry) Characterization of Waterborne Epoxy Resin Using Dynamic Mechanical Analysis and Atomic Force Microscopy
David Jungk Washington State University David Dillard (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
An Investigation of Physical Aging Above the Glass Transition in Poly(ether ether ketone) Using Creep Measurements
Jennifer Montgomery Mary Washington College N/A No Abstract
Jeremy Morin University of Connecticut Al Loos (Biomedical Engineering and Mechanics)
Peek/Carbon Fiber Composites:  An Evaluation of Particle Size and Processing Method on Final Composite Properties
Scott Nutt North Carolina State University
Hervé Marand (Chemistry) Evolution of the Low Endotherm and Crystallinity During Secondary Crystallization of Semi-Flexible Chain Polymers
Michael Podraza South Dakota School of Mines Paul Deck (Chemistry) Synthesis of Ferrocene Dimers Linked by Fluoroarenes
Kevin Sheran University of North Carolina James McGrath (Chemistry) Synthesis and Characterization of p-Phenylenediamine Based Poly(ether imide) Thermoplastic and Thermosetting Systems
Edward Stancik University of Illinois Garth Wilkes (Chemical Engineering) TPER-BPDA Semicrystalline Polyimide Structural Adhesive: 1 Surability Studies of lap Shear Adhesive Bonds; 2. Morphological Studies
Jason Vogel University of Texas Harry Gibson (Chemistry) Synthesis of Polyether Dendrimers via a Divergent Route
David Williams Fairmont State College John Dillard (Chemistry) Surgace Preparation and Bond Durability of Ti-6Al-4V with a Polyimide Adhesive
Kimberly Wilson University of Kansas Judy Riffle (Chemistry) Carbon Fiber Reinforced Vinyl Ester Matrix Composites

The 1996 NSF-STC SURP program, which consisted of 30 undergraduates, took place at Virginia Tech. Students, affiliations, and faculty sponsors are listed below. The abstract from the final written report may be seen by clicking here.

Abstract Title
Shana Adams The Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(thioarylene sulfone) and Poly(thioarylene Phosphine odixe) Polymeric Materials
George Blaha Ceramic Reinforced Nylon Composites Prepared by Mechnical Alloying
Chris Carrier Hydrothermal Aging of Vinyl ester Composites
Maharshi Chauhan Recycling of TLCP Reinformaced Polypropylene
Lisa Cook The Effects of Long Term Annealing on Gas Sorption in Semicrystalline Polymers
Michael Craven The Effects of Fiber-sizing and Moisture on the Bulk Mechanical properties of Thermoplastic Composite Systems
Michelle Crowell Vinyl Acetate Emulsion Polymers for Wood Adhesives
April Frazier Surface Treatment of Ti-6Al-4V: Plasma-Sprayed Polyimide Coatings. Durability of Adhesively Bonded Samples
Jerone Gagliano Post Failure analysis of Composites and Adhesives
Anna Gardberg Use of Dynamic DSC to Study Glass Transitions in Polyurethanes
Linda Harris Polyurethane Interphase Materials for Carbon Fiber/Vinyl Ester Composites
LaShanda James Modified Relaxation Tie Distributions via Gradient Cured Toughened Thermosets
Elsa Laughlin Applications of Java and the World Wide Web:  A Three-Simensional Graphing Tutorial
Shefali Malhotra Biotribology and Cartilage Wear
Michael Mathews A Development of a Consolidation Cycle for Poly(phenylene sulfide) Composites
Jennifer McMurray Influence of Material Orthotrophy and Cross Sectional Geometry on the Respose of Elliptical Cylinders
Jeremy Monat Some Selected Features of the Physical Aging Process for Glassy Polymers
John Montgomery Effect of Mode Toughtness Mix on the Fracture of Ti-6Al-4V/FM-5X Bonds
Brian Moser Computer Modeling of the Mechanical Response of Composite Sturctural Beams in the Tom’s Creek Bridge
Clarence Murray Effect of Topological Constraints on the Thermal Behavior of Polymers
Mical Pallack Phenylethynyl Terminated Poly(Arylene Ether Sulfone) Copolymers
Kim Pham Effect of Conditioning on Epoxy Resin Composites
David Phillips Formation of a Wood-Based Thermoplastic Matrix Composite
Shannon Pipik Design of a Compression Bending Fixture to Test Out-of-Plane Behavior of Composite Materials at Elevated Temperatures
Astrid Rosario Cure Reactions of Vinyl Esterh/Sturene Matrix Resins
Julia Rosolovsky Influsion of Silber into Polyimides by the use of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Formation of Reflective Surfaces
Joseph Schmidt Hyperbranched Poly(aryl ester)s: Synthesis, Characterization, and Funcationalization
Daniel Webb Water Soluble Polymer Adsorption on Metal Oxides
Michael Weber Preparation of Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) for Aqueous Suspension Prepregging
Ken Zukor Design of a Computer Interface to Study Material Properties
Abstract Title
Timothy Bass One Dimensional Resin Transfer Molding Process Modeling
Natasha Case The Analysis of Macro- and Macro-Mechanical Deformation in Polymethylmethacrylate Sealants
Michael Curtis High Performane Interphase Toughening Agents
Hans DeSmidt The Effect of Variable Binders on Mechanical and Fiber/Matrix Interphase Properties of Peek/AS4 Composite Systems
Lorraine Dupersoy Dynamic Differential Scanning Calorimetry And Analysis Of Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate)
Holly Gurbacki The Effects Of Substrate Plasticity On Adhesive Bond Toughness
Christopher Harris Fly Ash Reinforced Poly(Ether Ether Ketone) Matrix Composites Prepared By Mechanical Alloying
William Heard Adhesive Bonding For The Hsct: Characterization And Bond Durability Of Ti-6al-4v Adherends
Monique Jackson Characterization Of Fluorinated Cellulose Ester Membranes
Lawino Kagumba Miscibility Studies Of Potential Polymeric Interphase Materials For Application In Carbon Fiber – Vinyl Ester/ Epoxy Matrix Composites
Njeri Lawrence Surface Chemical Studies Of Corona Treated Polymer Substrates
Julie Martin Effects Of Solvent Induced Crystallinity By Acetone In Poly(Ether Ether Ketone)
Fred McBagonluri One Dimensional Resin Transfer Molding Process Modeling
Takia Oglesby Conductivity Comparison Of Solution Blending Versus Mechanical Alloying Of Polyelectrolytes
Michael Owellen Biotribology: “In Vitro” Studies Of Friction, Wear, And Lubrication Of Articular Cartilage
Kibley Parker Fluorinated Cellulose Esters As Surface-Modifying Additives In Cellulose Coating Systems
Bethany Revak Biotribology: Degradation of Synovial Fluid By Reactive Oxygen Species
Joel Schall Ring-opening Polymerization Of Macrocycles: Enhanced Processibility of High Performance Polymers
Todd Scheele Uptake Into Chitosan Hydrogel Beads
Marc Schultz Modeling of Composite Consolidation
Corey Senowitz Tri-Calcium Phosphate Reinforced Phb/Phv Copolymer For Use In An Intramedullary Fracture Fixation Device
Christy Sensenich Synthesis And Characterization Of Water Soluble Poly(Amic Acid) Salts From Ultem Poly(Amic Acid)
Dan Shantz One Dimensional Resin Transfer Molding Process Modeling
Becky Sheridan Durability Of Adhesively Bonded Thin Polymer Films
Paul Sholtz Secondary Crystallization In Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate
Keisha Sopher Improved Woodworking Adhesives Based On Emulsion Polymerization Of Polyvinyl Acetate
Rebecca Ortiz Buckling Characterization Of Rectangular Angle-Ply Composite Plates
Kiersten Urban The Effect Of Modulus Gradients On The Strength Of Model Aluminum/Ceramer Butt Joints
Neda Vukmirovic Waterborne And Methyl Ethyl Ketone Dispersed Epoxies For Use In Circuit Board Applications
Michael Yilma Understanding Molecular Models