Prof. Timothy Long announced as speaker at world’s first Virtual Analytical Summit

For immediate release
Prof. Timothy Long is to present his work to a global online audience at the new SelectScience Virtual Analytical Summit 2020, taking place March 31-April 2, 2020.
As the spread of COVID-19 forces the postponement of key events in the science calendar, the Virtual Summit will offer a crucial forum for scientists and manufacturers to continue to connect to advance science.
Among those presenting their latest research will be Prof. Long, who recently completed his five-year term as Director of the Macromolecules Innovation Institute at Virginia Tech. Prof. Long maintains an interdisciplinary research group focused on advanced macromolecular materials for additive manufacturing in the Department of Chemistry at Virginia Tech.
"Our families, friends, and colleagues across the world are now faced with unprecedented challenges and anxieties; however, I truly believe that crises catalyze creativity," Long said. "Science does not recognize borders, and this Virtual Summit represents a timely mechanism to collectively partner and envision next generation technologies at a critical time in history. I commend SelectScience for their leadership; this Virtual Summit provides a necessary moment to pause from the global chaos and envision the science necessary to help the world."
Hosted by leading science publisher SelectScience, scientists and scientific manufacturers will be joining the online event from across the world to explore headline topics including food security, cannabis testing solutions, materials science, life sciences and pharma.
The Summit will reach 900k+ scientists globally and feature presentations by leading scientists and technology innovators, workshops, video interviews, virtual booths, cutting-edge resources, the latest product and application news, as well as live Q&As, networking and live-chat opportunities.
Register for free and reserve your place today here.
The Summit will be open from March 31-April 2, 2020 between 11:00 BST / 12:00 CEST and 12:00 PDT / 15:00 EDT each day — you can drop in and out as you please.
Prof. Long's talk will take place on March 31, 2020 at 10:45 AM.